Schulenburg High School senior named Austin Market's Ag Student of the Week

Carolyn Prihoda credits her ag teacher, Kacie Gallagos, for motivating her to achieve her goals. Now, the Schulenburg High School senior hopes to encourage other youth to do the same, through becoming an agricultural educator herself.
“Coming into an ag classroom for the first time, I was skeptical,” said Prihoda. “But I tried it, and I loved it. She gave me that encouraging push, and I want every other kid to feel that too.”
As a member of Schulenburg FFA, she competes in livestock judging, ag mechanics, and milk quality. She also has shown pigs, rabbits, and goats at the county fair, and was awarded a calf scramble certificate from the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.
However, for Prihoda, her true passion lies with the poultry industry. She has exhibited chickens and turkeys at both the local and state level, and has won champion showmanship and herdsman awards. She is also currently serving as the captain of her chapter’s poultry judging team. As captain, she helps recruit junior FFA members to begin training, a strategy that has helped the team advance to state for all four years of Prihoda’s involvement.
She was also recently accepted for a position on the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Jr. Rodeo Committee, an opportunity that aligns closely with her future goals. Her role will include educating elementary students who visit the rodeo on the ins and outs of the agricultural industry.
After graduation, Prihoda plans to attend Tarleton State University to major in agricultural education. She hopes to use her degree to help others find their passion, just as her ag teacher did for her.
“I truly do believe I have found what I want most in this world, which is to work with students and teach them the importance of agriculture.”
Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishments Carolyn, the Capital Farm Credit team wishes you the best of luck in your future endeavors.