Did you know that many items you have traditionally financed can actually be leased? With leasing, many items you use for your operation every day are all leasable. Leasing frees up capital and gains tax benefits without a large down payment.
The option of leasing helps farmers and ranchers gain access to the vehicles, equipment and facilities needed to keep their business thriving.
Take advantage of all the benefits by leasing a barn, shed, shop or grain facility!
No Down Payment
Preserve your capital and acquire assets with only your first lease payment due at closing.
No Mortgage Required
For any leased facility under $500,000, you can avoid a traditional mortgage and save yourself from extra paperwork, time, and processing fees.
Maximize Tax Benefits
Depending upon the structure of the lease, payments could be fully tax deductible, or you can depreciate the asset over time.
Up to 10-year Term
When you lease a facility with Farm Credit Leasing, you can finance up to 10 years.
Ownership Transition
Leasing can help you transition ownership to the next generation at the end of the lease term.
Lease More
Leasing a facility expands your options to also lease smaller equipment, machinery, shelving, or office furniture and more -- all under one agreement.
The possibilities are endless! Whether you are planning to build a barn, equipment shop, warehouse, or grain facility, we are here to help you!
CoBank, ACB, Farm Credit Leasing Services Corporation, Capital Farm Credit and their respective affiliates (collectively, “Farm Credit”) do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. These materials have been prepared for informational purposes only, and are not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. Farm Credit makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of the information contained in these materials and is under no obligation to notify you of any subsequent corrections or other changes to these materials or to the laws, regulations or other information that may be contained therein. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.

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