Centerville Jr./Sr. High School senior named Houston Market's Ag Student of the Week

Caraline Dudley is a proud sixth generation cattle rancher, but she hasn’t always been willing to get her boots dirty. Her earliest memory in agriculture was when she was just three years old, and her family went to retrieve an orphaned bottle calf from the pasture.
“I remember going and pulling this calf out of the field to take it home and bottle feed it, and getting my pink boots muddy, and being so sad,” said Dudley.
However, Dudley soon realized the agricultural industry could do much more for her than simply dirtying up her favorite pair of shoes. She joined 4-H in the third grade, and has spent the last ten years of her involvement pursuing leadership opportunities, as well as giving back to the community she grew up in.
Through 4-H, she has served as the president of both the Centerville 4-H club and Leon County 4-H, as well as serving on the Texas 4-H Council and as a Texas Youth Livestock Ambassador. She also competes in the public speaking, meats judging, and beef skill-a-thon contests, and has advanced to the state competition as a result of her efforts. As a self-proclaimed “Beef-loving Texan,” Dudley exhibits champion commercial steer and heifer projects at both the local and major stock show levels, and has earned several top-ten titles.
As a member of Centerville FFA, Dudley has served as the 1st vice president of her chapter, the Sam Houston District FFA secretary, and the Area IX FFA reporter. She recently represented Texas FFA as a voting delegate at the 2022 National FFA Convention, and served as a member of the Standards and Implementations Committee.
In addition to her agricultural endeavors, Dudley is active in many of her high school’s extracurricular activities. She currently serves as the president of the Centerville Jr./Sr. High School Family, Career and Community Leaders of America organization, where she has advanced to nationals in the creed speaking, job interview, and career investigations competitions. Through FCCLA, she helps host community enrichment activities, including Christmas photo booths, popsicle parties for elementary students, and educational booths at a local health fair. Dudley is also a member of the National Honor Society, where she serves as the treasurer. She has previously competed in UIL debate, and earned a 12th place title at the state competition her freshman year.
After graduation, Dudley plans to earn her degrees in animal science and agricultural economics from either Texas Tech or Texas A&M University. She aspires to join the collegiate meats judging team, and plans to use her education to pursue a career within the beef industry. Dudley hopes that by continuing to educate others on the benefits of consuming beef, she can combat the negative stereotypes surrounding the agricultural industry.
“My family has been raising cattle for six generations, and I intend for us to raise beef for another six,” said Dudley. “My role in increasing ag literacy has already begun, and my journey to advocate for beef will continue long into the future.”
Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishments Caraline, the Capital Farm Credit team wishes you the best of luck in your future endeavors!