Brenham High School senior named Houston Market's Ag Student of the Week

Current Ag Involvement: "I am a very active member of both the Washington County 4-H and the Brenham FFA agricultural programs. I have been a member of the Washington County 4-H program for 10 years, raising and exhibiting Santa Gertrudis heifers. I enjoy participating in public speaking and holding leadership positions as this organization has taught me the importance of not only personal development but assisting in the development of others. I am currently serving as the Washington County Council 1st Vice President and served last year as the County Council President, District Council Chairman and was a member of the Texas 4-H Council. Within the Santa Gertrudis breed, I am a member of the National Junior Santa Gertrudis Board of Directors and currently serve as board President. Another highlight of my tenure in the 4-H project is my work as a Texas 4-H Youth Livestock Ambassador that has allowed me to network with leaders across the state and travel across the world learning about the agricultural industry including experiences to Hawaii and Australia. Within FFA, I am an active member at the Chapter and District levels. I am a member of the Brenham FFA Ag Advocacy Team, Livestock Judging Team, Ag Sales Team, and also participate in Agricultural Policy Public Speaking. In addition to being the Brenham FFA Chapter President, I also am proud to serve this year as the Bluebonnet District Student Advisor and assist in leading in contests and events."
College to Attend: Texas A&M University
Career Goal: Pediatrician