Graford High School senior named Plains Market's Ag Student of the Week - Week 4

Current Ag Involvement: National FFA Employability Skills Career Development Event, National Finalist, State Champion, Texas FFA Star Degree in Production, State Champion Greenhand, Chapter, State Levels, Texas FFA Agriculture Education Proficiency Award, State Runner-up, Texas FFA Beef Cattle Proficiency Award, State Finalist, District 3 4-H Awards, District Champion, State Qualifier Sheep Production, Texas 4-H Round-up, State Qualifying Livestock Judging Team, National Roper’s Supply (NRS) Show Team, Brand Ambassador, Graford Garden Club, Co-sponsor and Facilitator, Texas Teen Miss United States Agriculture, State Queen, County Queen, Texas Junior Shorthorn Association, Senior Director and Lassie Princess, American Junior Shorthorn Association, Graford FFA President Elect
College to Attend: Texas Tech University
Career Goal: My experiences in livestock production, leadership, and creating curriculum/facilitating workshops has refined my interest in becoming an Agriculture Science teacher. I will be able to take my skills and put them to work in both the classroom and professional organizations that I am passionate about. Both FFA and 4-H have given me an identity and shaped who I am today, as well as who I want to be in the future as I remain involved in agriculture with my family and influence tomorrow's leaders. My career plan is to study Agriculture Education - Teacher Certification at Texas Tech University. There I will be involved in a variety of courses including animal science, plant science, mechanics, and education. I aspire to minor in Plant and Soil Sciences. I already come to college with a working knowledge of livestock production, nutrition, and reproduction. Since I am wanting to stay in the panhandle of Texas where farming is the predominant agriculture activity, I am eager to learn more about that industry to help support me as a future teacher and consumer. After obtaining my degree, I will teach high school agriculture education and serve as a FFA advisor in the Texas panhandle. I also plan on maintaining involvement in 4-H as an adult club leader and volunteer in addition to my FFA advisor duties.