Ag Student of the Week Winners 2023-2024
Klein Oak High School senior named Houston Market's Ag Student of the Week - Week 4

Current Ag Involvement: FFA has brought many opportunities and experiences that have fueled my passion for agriculture. Currently, I am serving as the Klein Oak FFA Reporter. I have participated in numerous LDEs, CDEs, and SDEs including the Quiz team, Skills, Job Interview, Entomology, Livestock Judging, Wool Judging, and Public Speaking in the Animal Science category. I have also had the opportunity to raise and show steers, pigs, and a heifer for local and major shows.
College to Attend: Texas A&M University
Career Goal: While I have not selected just one career path, I am sure it will be in the agricultural industry. Regardless of the path I choose, I want to impact the future generation of agricultural advocates, just as my agriscience teachers and fellow FFA members have done for me.