Panther Creek High School senior named Austin Market's Ag Student of the Week

From livestock to leadership, Panther Creek High School senior Haylee Triplitt has experienced a little bit of everything when it comes to agriculture. She joined Panther Creek FFA during her third grade year, after getting the chance to show a pig at her county fair’s “Little Britches,” livestock show for young exhibitors.
During her time in FFA, Triplitt has shown market hogs and market lambs at both the county and state levels. One of her favorite memories in the show ring occurred when her lightweight fine wool lamb project placed first in class at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. In 2022, Triplitt participated in the calf scramble at the Fort Worth, San Antonio, and San Angelo stock shows, and was able to catch a calf during all three events. This means that in addition to her lamb and hog projects, Triplitt has added a breeding heifer into the mix for her senior year.
Outside of livestock, Triplitt also has participated in showing horses since she was five years old, which has earned her two ranch riding championship titles at the American Quarter Horse Association World Show.
When she isn’t tending to her animals, Triplitt can be found managing several leadership roles within her FFA chapter. She serves as a member of the building communities committee, the growing leaders committee, and the strengthening agriculture committee, and has served as a chapter officer during each of her high school years. She also competes in ag broadcasting, creed speaking, ag issues, job interview, veterinary science and horse judging. On the state level, Triplitt has placed first with her Equine Entrepreneurship Proficiency application, and recently earned her Lone Star FFA Degree.
Triplitt is also an active member of student government, and currently serves as the class treasurer for her graduating class, as well as secretary of the student council. Through these organizations, she has participated in many community service projects, including blood drives, canned food drives, and collecting supplies for a women’s shelter. She is a member of the National Honor Society, and has played varsity basketball, tennis, and golf. Through UIL, Triplitt competes in one act play and poetry, where she has qualified for the regional competition.
After graduation, Triplitt plans to attend either Texas Tech or West Texas A&M University to earn her degree in agricultural business. She hopes to use her education to become an agricultural loan officer, and help farmers and ranchers secure funding for their operations.
“I hope to help others chase their dreams of working in the agricultural field and providing for the rest of the world’s needs,” said Triplitt.
Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishments Haylee, the Capital Farm Credit team wishes you the best of luck in your future endeavors.