James Earl Rudder High School senior named Houston Market's Ag Student of the Week

Taylor Colvin’s first memory with agriculture comes from when she was just four years old. Her mother took her on a field trip to her great uncle’s pig farm, where she witnessed a sow giving birth to a litter of piglets, a process known as farrowing.
“I got to hold some of the newborn piglets, and that is where I developed my passion for showing animals,” said Colvin. “I’ve been showing pigs ever since.”
Colvin joined 4-H program as a clover kid when she was in the first grade, and has shown market hogs, goats, and breeding gilts, in addition to competing in livestock judging, educational presentation, skill-a-thon, citizenship, leadership, food and nutrition, family and consumer science, and quiz bowl. She currently serves as a member of the Texas 4-H State Council, and has represented Texas 4-H as a National 4-H Congress delegate. She is also serving as the chairman of the District 9 4-H Council, chairman of the Brazos County 4-H Council, and secretary of the St. Joseph’s 4-H Club.
Her other leadership roles include representing Texas 4-H through the Global Leadership Opportunities Beyond Education program, as well as serving as a Texas 4-H Livestock Ambassador. Through these programs, Colvin has dedicated much of her time to agricultural advocacy and community service projects.
One of these projects is Helping Happy Wheels, which provides snacks, water bottles, and enrichment activities for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Colvin has also served on a committee that facilitates an annual jackpot lamb and goat show, which has raised over $10,000 for youth scholarships since 2020.
“It has definitely been the best ten years I could have ever imagined,” said Colvin.
As a senior at James Earl Rudder High School, Colvin is an active member of Rudder FFA, where she currently serves as the president. Through her FFA chapter, Colvin has competed in chapter conducting, quiz, livestock judging, wool judging, prepared public speaking, plant science, and ag issues forum. She is a member of the student council, and president of her graduating class. Colvin is also a member of the National Honor Society, and has served on the prom committee, as well as being a varsity golf athlete. Through these organizations, she has participated in various community service projects, including volunteering at her local food bank, and stuffing backpacks with school supplies for over 100 children in need.
After graduation, Colvin plans to attend West Texas A&M University to major in animal science. She hopes to use her degree to attend graduate school, where she will pursue a master’s degree in nutrition. She plans to use this degree to become a beef nutritionist, and develop new strategies for feeding an ever growing population.
Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishments Taylor, the Capital Farm Credit team wishes you the best of luck in your future endeavors.