Rockdale High School senior named Austin Market's Ag Student of the Week

Although he grew up within the agricultural industry, Ryan Luckey was no exception to the nerves that come with stepping into the show ring as a new exhibitor. He recalls the fear he felt showing his first market rabbit project, and how the older 4-H members around him provided words of encouragement to help him through the experience.
“People were so helpful and kind, that is a memory I’ll never forget,” said Luckey.
Now a senior member of Rockdale 4-H, Luckey has continued to show market rabbit projects, and has made it a point to support the younger exhibitors, just as others once supported him. He exhibits market goats, and has participated in the consumer decision making and plant identification contests, where his team has taken home the state championship for five years running.
During his time in the program, Luckey has also served in various leadership roles within his 4-H club, including public safety officer, community service officer, treasurer, vice president, and currently, president. Through these leadership opportunities, he has facilitated various service projects aimed to give back to his community, including collecting stuffed animals for children of deployed military service members, donating food to elementary students in need, and hosting an “Ag in the Classroom,” event to educate youth on the importance of the agriculture industry.
In addition to 4-H, Luckey joined Rockdale FFA his first year of high school, where he has served as the sentinel, reporter, and president of his chapter. He has also competed in ag advocacy and entomology, while working to build ag mechanics projects. These projects include constructing a nightstand, a desk, and a beverage bar. However, his fondest memory comes from his first attempt at building a gardening stool for his mother during his freshman year.
“It didn’t look pretty, but it was a lot of hard work that I had put in, and I was really proud of it,” said Luckey.
Outside of 4-H and FFA, Luckey is an active member of the Rockdale High School National Honor Society. He has won numerous awards for his academic accomplishments, and has earned college credit by taking dual-enrollment courses at Temple College. In addition to his studies, Luckey is a varsity athlete, and has participated in football, golf, and powerlifting.
Upon graduation, Luckey plans to attend Texas A&M University to major in agribusiness. He hopes to use this degree to become a manager of an agricultural operation, as well as continuing to serve as an advocate for the industry.
“Once we get people to understand and respect agriculture, we can further help farmers facing other issues that need to be resolved,” said Luckey.
Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishments Ryan, the Capital Farm Credit team wishes you the best of luck in your future endeavors.