Harlingen High School South senior named South Texas Market's Ag Student of the Week

Kylie Mitchell grew up with a veterinarian for a mom, and an ag teacher for an aunt. With these roots, she knew she herself would one day become involved in agriculture, and joined her local FFA organization as soon as she was able to in the third grade. Her earliest memory from the program is of the day she brought her first livestock project home, a market lamb, in the back of the family car.
“We had an SUV at the time, and we drove to Kingsville. We put the lamb in the back of the SUV,” said Mitchell with a laugh. “It’s pretty cool to look back on that.”
Ten years later, Mitchell has shown not only market lambs, but goat, hog, commercial doe, and breeding sheep projects as well. She also competes in photography, veterinary science, creed speaking, quiz, radio broadcasting, and prepared public speaking. Some of her accomplishments include her team earning the first place title at the district veterinary science contest, as well as the district radio broadcasting contest. Mitchell also earned the first place title in the district prepared public speaking contest, and advanced to area, where she again placed first. This allowed her to advance to the Texas FFA State public speaking contest, where she soon talked her way into the semifinals of the animal science division.
Mitchell has also taken on various leadership roles during her time in FFA, including serving as the vice president, committee chair, and president of Harlingen South FFA. She currently serves as the Tip-o-Tex sentinel, an opportunity that allows her to represent her chapter on the district level.
Outside of FFA, Mitchell is an active member of her high school student body. She has competed in UIL contests, and is the captain of the varsity golf team. Mitchell was also selected to be a member of the National Honor Society, as well as the National Technical Honor Society. Through these organizations, she has assisted with community service projects, including Operation Santa, and gathering donations for community closets and local food pantries.
Through her high school, Mitchell has also joined the HCISD Veterinary Academy, where she has dedicated countless hours to studying veterinary medicine and volunteering at local clinics. After graduation, Mitchell plans to attend Texas A&M University to major in animal science. She plans to use her degree to attend veterinary school, with the goal of returning to her hometown to work at her family’s practice, Arroyo Veterinary Hospital.
“Throughout my high school career, I have dedicated my time on advocating for the world's most vital industry, and that definitely won't stop after I graduate,” said Mitchell.
Congratulations on your outstanding achievements Kylie, the Capital Farm Credit team wishes you the best of luck in your future endeavors.