Levelland High School senior named Plains Market's Ag Student of the Week

For Trace DeArmond, agriculture is more than an industry, it’s a family legacy. He grew up on his family’s farming operation, and joined the 4-H program as soon as he was able to in the third grade. Now a senior at Levelland High School, DeArmond has made it his mission to help other family operations find success in the field through his future career.
“Agriculture has really been my whole life,” said DeArmond. “I‘ve always been involved, whether it’s through production livestock or through farming.”
Through 4-H, DeArmond has exhibited both market lambs and market swine. He has earned several class championship titles at major stock shows across Texas with his livestock, including being named the 2022 Heart of Texas Fair Breed Champion with his Dorper lamb.
As a member of the FFA, DeArmond competes in ag issues, ag advocacy, and livestock judging, where he has qualified for state in addition to earning numerous top-ten titles. His leadership experiences include serving as the secretary and chaplain for the Levelland FFA Chapter, as well as being elected to a leadership ambassador position for the Area I FFA Association. Through this opportunity, DeArmond helped facilitate a leadership camp for FFA members, which he credits with being one of his favorite memories from his time in the organization.
“I got to watch them grow in their own ways, through the same workshops I had grown through,” said DeArmond. “It was kind of surreal to me, and an experience that I was very, very grateful to have.”
Outside of agriculture, DeArmond is also involved through his high school. He is a member of the National Honor Society, and was elected to serve as an officer for his graduating class. Despite his busy schedule, DeArmond volunteers his time to serving the community through collecting food donations, and assembling backpacks full of supplies for students in need.
After graduation, DeArmond will be attending Texas A&M University to major in agricultural economics. Upon completing his undergraduate education, DeArmond plans to pursue a master’s degree in accounting, and become a tax accountant. He hopes to use his career to assist farmers and ranchers with the financial aspects of their operations, so that they can focus on what truly matters.
“They won’t have to worry about sitting down and taking the time to do their taxes, which means they can get back to doing their job, which is putting food on our tables,” said DeArmond. “I think it’s a degree that is not only going to help me, but that I can use to help others.”
Congratulations Trace on your outstanding accomplishments, the Capital Farm Credit team wishes you the best of luck in your future endeavors.