Capital Farm Credit- Where Customers Reap the Benefits.

This month, Capital Farm Credit will return $77.5 million cash to its members in the form of patronage dividends. In addition, we're setting aside $86.3 million in Allocated Equities for future distribution to our members, for a total 2018 patronage declaration of $163.8 million.
Over $750 million to borrowers in the last decade
Capital Farm Credit is a cooperative, meaning that you as a borrower are also an owner and share in our profits. Profits are returned to you through our patronage dividend program. In fact, Capital Farm Credit has returned more than $750 million to borrowers over the last decade.
"As a borrower-owned cooperative, our members are also our owners," said Ben Novosad, chief executive officer. "When Capital Farm Credit is successful, our members are successful. "We have a long tradition of strong earnings, which adds to the benefit of our members. As our earnings are returned through our patronage dividend program, the association lowers the cost of doing business for our members, and in turn helps to strengthen the agricultural economy and rural communities we serve.
"We're proud to support rural Texas communities and agriculture with reliable, consistent credit and financial services by providing farmers and ranchers with the capital they need to make their businesses successful," he added. "We're in this together with our members, and together we're better."