2019 Annual Meeting Information Statement
The Annual Stockholders' Meeting of Capital Farm Credit (CFC), ACA will be held at 12:30 p.m., May 22, 2019, at the Hilton Garden Inn in College Station, Texas. At the meeting CFC stockholders will consider/take action on the following:
- Review and approve the minutes of the 2018 Annual Stockholders' Meeting
- Review of corporate and financial operations for 2018
- Receive the report of the Nominating Committee and opening of floor nominations for five elected Board of Director (Board) positions: a regional director position from Region 3- South Plains; a regional director position from Region 7- South Texas; a regional director position from Region 10- East Texas; and At-Large positions 4 and 5
- Receive nominations from the floor, if any, and consider approval of a final slate of candidates
- Election of the 2010 Nominating Committee
- Appointment of independent party to tabulate voting results
- Other business, if any
In order for us to prepare appropriate seating, please call the Association headquarters office at 877-322-3018 if you will be attending the meeting.
Read the complete Annual Stockholders' Meeting Information Statement.