Strategic Leverage | Financing as a Tool

When looking for recreational property it's important to have your ducks in a row. With funds at hand, it may seem natural, or even the most logical, to pay cash for land purchases.
But is there a better game plan? Would financing be a better option? This is where we come in.
At Capital Farm Credit we utilize strategic leveraging—a design that makes sense, and one we don't over complicate. We take your land purchase and optimize it to benefit you. You keep your assets and retain liquidity.
A smarter way to view your loan
Purchasing land, whether for recreation or business purposes, requires the consideration of multiple factors. At Capital Farm Credit, we're your trusted advisor. Your goals are our goals.
Strategic leveraging is a lending tool we utilize to create additional investment prospects for our borrowers. Instead of utilizing on-hand funds, financing your land purchase allows you greater opportunity to deploy your assets for other business ventures.
Capital Farm Credit's financing options provide you with a significant borrowing impact. Our trusted lenders look at your objective from all angles.
With the additional value from our association's patronage dividend program, our goal is to put cash back in your pocket. Our lending professionals generate a strategic model that analyzes comparative scenarios from a break-even stand-point all the way to your specific rate of return. We create a financing option that allows you to remain open for additional cash opportunities that would otherwise be tied-up in a long-term asset.
We provide your ultimate financial advantage. You retain liquidity.
We work with you.
Capital Farm Credit's team of experienced lenders help navigate you through our leverage concepts and comparisons to determine which financing option best suits your financial goals.
Our lenders are available to work with your wealth management advisors to select a lending model developed for your specific assets. We value your anticipated rate of return and work with you on your individual holding period.
Optimize your buying power
In simple terms, strategic leveraging is a shift in perspective to see borrowing money as a tool. At Capital Farm Credit, we have taken the time to develop a well-thought-out technique that optimizes our customer's buying power.
"Find that person that can help make those critical decisions, identify the right opportunities and help you circumvent potential mistakes," says Brett Riff, Capital Farm Credit's Vice President of Lending Strategy Management. "Build an advisory team that can improve your investments every step of the way."
Capital Farm Credit's team of experienced lenders are here to help you when you're ready to buy. With offices serving 192 of Texas' 254 counties, we're prepared to work with you to make the most of your land investment. We're the lender you trust. The process starts with a simple conversation.
VIDEO: Check out our Facebook Live featuring Strategic Leverage.