Johnson joins as CFC SVP of Internal Audit and Credit Review

Jayme Johnson recently joined Capital Farm Credit (CFC) as Senior Vice President of Internal Audit and Credit Review.
Her new role at Capital Farm Credit will encompass the direction of Association internal audit functions and leading the credit review team.
“Jayme brings a depth of knowledge and experience in both internal audit and internal credit review to Capital Farm Credit,” said Jeff Norte, Capital Farm Credit chief executive officer. “Her leadership experience, as well as her familiarity of Farm Credit and the value of company culture made her the candidate to bring new ideas and enhancements to our Association.”
“I am thankful for the opportunity to join Capital Farm Credit and to continue my career in the Farm Credit System,” said Johnson. “I am devoted to using my experience to lead the Internal Audit and Internal Credit Review Departments to help CFC accomplish its objectives to serve our members.”
Prior to joining Capital Farm Credit, Johnson served as the senior internal auditor for Northwest Farm Credit Services, planning and preparing internal audits and leading the internal credit review team as the director. She is a Certified Public Accountant and has previous work experience with an accounting firm in the private sector.
Johnson is a graduate of Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston, Idaho, with a degree in business administration.