Pasture, Rangeland, & Forage Insurance
Pasture, Rangeland and Forage (PRF) Insurance protects hay and livestock producers against loss of forage due to lack of rainfall on acres used for grazing or hay. The plan pays indemnities based on historical rainfall levels determined by a rainfall index.
How PRF insurance works:
- Choose the number of acres you want to insure.
- Select two to six, 2-month periods – called index intervals – in which precipitation is important to your operation.
- The rainfall index uses National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center (NOAA CPC) data for the grid where the property is located.
- Insurance payments are determined using NOAA CPC data for the grids and index intervals you choose to insure. When the final grid index falls below your "trigger grid index," you may receive an indemnity for lack of precipitation.
- Coverage is based on the experience of the entire grid – not on an individual farm or ranch or a specific weather station in the general area.
We have a personalized map that is emailed or mailed to all customers after each interval and a mobile app to view your current rainfall and estimated indemnity from your phone anytime.
Deadline: December 1st
RainFallPro Mobile App:
Are you interested in staying up-to-date on the current rainfall in your area? Download the RainFallPro mobile app below to get started!
iOS app:
RainfallPro Producer on the App Store (apple.com)
Android app:
RainfallPro Producer - Apps on Google Play
*App available for current customers only. Contact us today to learn more!
Want to learn more about Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage Insurance? Fill out the form below. We'll connect you with an agent for more information. You can also call us at 800.467.3274 or email us. We'll do our best to respond to you within 48 business hours.